Congregation form ‘Learning Communities’ Revitalization Initiative

David Paulsen explains the source of the CBCP inspiration and mission in his Episcopal News Service article, “Dioceses recruit congregations to form ‘learning communities’ in Lilly-funded revitalization initiative.  The article describes CBCP’s mission to  maximize community uses of church buildings at all 82 of our dioceses’ congregations. It also describes other programs being conducted in Washington, New York, and Texas.

With the help of a generous donation from a Lilly Endowment grant, three Episcopal dioceses and an Episcopal seminary are collaborating to share approaches and solutions to revitalizing congregations. The energy and effort devoted to this endeavor promises to build stronger congregations while helping their surrounding communities flourish.

Individual Episcopal Churches among the dioceses will participate with other congregations in learning sessions, exploring how they can experiment, collaborate, and build vibrant congregations and stronger communities.

The full article is published on the Episcopal News Service website and can be read at: