Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships Project Featured in Episcopal Church Foundation’s Vital Practices

In her post on May 12, 2022 on the Episcopal Church Foundation’s Vital Practices website, our own Linda Buskirk featured the work being done by Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships (CBCP) project. Her article titled “Behold, I make all things new.” Revelation 21:5, demonstrates how 82 Episcopal faith communities in Indiana are finding a “boldness rooted in knowledge of the good they have to offer: Good mission, good faith, and good space”. As an example, she cites how St. Francis In-The-Fields in Zionsville, Indiana, included the Mayor, the Superintendent of schools, and representatives of Boys & Girls Clubs and a neighboring United Methodist Church to brainstorm about how the church’s ample space might be more broadly utilized.

The CBCP training provides these faith communities the tools to explore how to use their buildings as assets and developing new and expanded community partnerships

The full article can be found at